Nanabhoy "Nani" Ardeshir Palkhivala (Jan 16, 1920 - December 11, 2002)
was an Indian jurist and economist. Having earned his worth as juror
and economist, he went on to receive honorary doctorates from
Princeton University,
Rutgers University, Lawrence University, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Annamalai
University, Ambedkar Law University and the University of Mumbai. The
from Princeton called him "... Defender of constitutional liberties,
champion of human rights ...", and stated, "he has courageously
advanced his conviction that expediency in the name of progress, at the cost of
freedom, is no progress at all, but retrogression. Lawyer, teacher, author, and
economic developer, he brings to us as Ambassador of India intelligence, good
humour, experience, and vision for international understanding...." It
is indeed this visionary that we see emerge in his understanding of
the ecological system and our ailing planet.
1) First Nation-wide Green Party: established 1972, New Zealand
2) Worldview shifted from mechanistic to holistic and ecological
3) Realisation that the planet is a living organism in declining
health due to human impact on its natural resources
4) Sustainable development - Development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of the future generations to
meet their needs - key to human survival and prosperity in the future
5) We, today known as the 'world's most dangerous animal', are
custodians of the future.
6) Undiscovered species exist in large numbers but we may never
discover their identity if we do not conserve their habitats
7) Lester R. Brown's book 'The Global Economic Prospect' identifies
four principal biological systems of the earth as fisheries, forests,
grasslands and croplands. They provide food supply and raw material
for our survival.
8) Over-fishing and deforestation, coupled with uncontrolled
population explosion, has led to the collapse of fisheries,
disappearance of forest cover, conversion of grasslands to barren
wastelands and the deterioration of crops.
9) We lose an acre and a half of forests every second and the World
Bank estimates a five-fold increase in the rate of forest planting to
cope with the demand for fuel wood.
10) Article 48 A of the Constitution - "The State shall endeavour to
protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and
wildlife of the country". Author laments that laws are never respected
or enforced in India.
11) Fertility falls as incomes rise, education spreads, and health
improves. Thus development which may ensure raised incomes, is the
best contraceptive. But development itself is not possible without a
control on our population explosion. More children mean more hungry
mouths which implies poverty as well as increased demand on our
natural resources.
12) India's current population is estimated to be 1.2 billion while
the world population is about 7 billion. Hence, we hold the major
chunk of the world. The author questions whether we recognise this
fact and are at least now willing to make a change in our awareness of
the human impact on environment.
13) Era of responsibility - the awareness of our role and the need for
sustainable development
14) Author claims that the industry must join the cause and work
towards becoming eco-friendly just as Du Pont under the leadership of
Mr. Edgar S Woolard.
15) We are tenants of the planet, and are required to keep it repaired
and well-maintained for generations to come - Margaret Thatcher,
Lester Brown
The Green Movement in India is an emerging movement that stresses
environmentally friendly practices in transport, construction, law, etc.
Some of the Indian movements towards ensuring a safe, ecologically
healthy future are as follows:
Task Force
Tiger Scheme
Bachao Andolan
Bachao Andolan
- GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) - National
Green Building Rating
System for the country
Short answer questions -
Q.1. 'No generation has a freehold on this earth. All we have is
a life tenancy with a full repairing lease' Justify this
Q.2. How has 'the most dangerous
animal of the world' caused the
destruction of the earth's principal biological
Q.3. How is population
explosion perpetuating poverty?
Q.4. Why did the zoo authorities
put a mirror inside a cage in the zoo at Lusaka?
Q.5. Discuss the 'holistic and ecological view of the world'
Q.6. What do you understand by
sustainable development?
Q.7. What is the Green Movement? Name some movements in India which
fall under this category.
Q.8. 'Forests precede
mankind,deserts follow'. Explain this statement.
Q.9. What is the role of the
industries in protecting environment?
Q.10.What did Margaret Thatcher say about man's lifespan on earth?
Long answer questions -
Q.1. Human survival and environmental conservation go hand-in-hand. Comment.
Q.2. Deforestation, overfishing and overpopulation are some of the
problems identified by Nani Palkhiwala in his essay. Discuss his views
and your opinions about the same.
Q.3. Write an article on the misuse of natural resources taking inputs
from the chapter.
Q.4. How is poverty related to the ailment of our planet? Explain with
reference to the cycle of inflation and fertility.
Q.5. What are some of the ways in which a school student can
contribute to the conservation of our environment?
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