- An English Poet
- Born July 2, 1926 in Lincolnshire
- Education - St. Anne's College, Oxford High School
- Books: New Collected Poems, A Spell of Words, Every Changing Shape,
After the Ark and so on
- Died October 25, 2001
- Regarded as a traditionalist rather than an innovator, she was
appreciated for the lyrical quality of her poetry and simplicity of
meter and rhyme. She was a staunch Roman Catholic which reflects in
her poetry as well. (ref. 'the prodigal son')
'The Prodigal Son' is a Biblical reference from the New Testament's
parables of Jesus. The story is of a father with two sons. The younger
demanded his inheritance despite the fact that traditionally, the
eldest born is heir. The father accedes and the spoilt younger son
leaves home. He spends his fortune foolishly, eventually returning to
his father's house with barely a stitch of cloth on his body. The
father forgives him, and welcomes him into his embrace with open arms
and a celebratory feast. Artist Pompeo Batoni represented this parable
beautifully through the following painting:
The theme of the poem is the generation gap
which occurs when the communication link between two generations breaks due to
a mutual lack of understanding, tolerance and acceptance.
Compare and contrast this poem with the poem 'Childhood'. That poem
was the child's perspective and struggle to understand himself. This
poem is the father's inability to come to terms with the young adult
who has replaced the father's 'little boy'.
The poem highlights the internal conflict a
father undergoes when his son becomes old enough to define his own interests,
thoughts and perceptions. The brooding father complains that he cannot
understand his child despite having lived together for many years in the same
house. The father tries to continue a relationship based on what he knew of the
son from his youngest years but of course, the son has change over time.
The tone is almost pleading, attempting to find a link with his grown up son.
Using a typically agrarian imagery, he
questions whether he has already lost his own child, his son, due to this
distance between them or was the son on a mental plane that was entirely his own
and which, the father cannot access. The father uses 'I' in these lines
acknowledging his own role in creating this communication gap between them.
The father and son have become strangers with
no understanding of each other.Traditionally, the son's upbringing is in the
very environment and with the values the father provided. Thus, the father
feels his son is built to his design and should be like his father in most
aspects. However, his son now has interests the father cannot share. There is
no shared passion, no common ground. Most times, there is only an awkward
silence between them.
The frustration of the father is evident as he struggles to
understand why his own son, his flesh and blood, has turned into an
absolute stranger.
The father in the poem sees his child as the
prodigal (spendthrift, underlying implication: foolish) son and wants him to
return to the home he has always known. He does not want the son to make his
own world, away from his father. The father says he would forgive his son if he
asked for forgiveness like the prodigal son. He would love him again despite
the sorrow of the distance that existed between them once.
The tone is slightly condescending and implies that the father is
unable to let his son go, even at the cost of restricting the son's
personal development and independence.
The son admits that he is at a point where he
is struggling to understand even himself. He does feel the grief of the broken
relationship he shares his father and yet, there is an anger that arises out of
his confused, fraught inner self.
The son speaks for the first time and it is quite clear, that the
frustration lies on both sides. Pablo Neruda once commented on the
sadness that arose from being unable to understand oneself. The son
seems to be in the same confused, sad and yet, angry phase of growth.
This stanza is reminiscent of the poem 'Childhood' which outlines a
child's struggled to understand himself as he turns into a young
The father concludes the poem realising that in
their hearts, each of them wants to forgive the other. However, neither wants
to take the first step and
ask for forgiveness. Each puts out an empty
hand for the other to take, but neither places theirs in the other's
hand. However, it is positive that at least they
long to forgive and
find a way to make things work.
Usually, by the time parents accept the new
individuality of their children, the damage has already been done and the
process of coming together is difficult and painful.
Respecting each others'
differences is the only way to alleviate the distance, the strange and
awkward silence.
While the father's anguish and frustration is
highlighted, the ego comes through as well. It is also noteworthy that the poem
is written by a woman and not a man. A number of questions remain open to
Short answer questions -
Q.1. Read the lines given
below and answer the following questions:-
Yet have I killed
The seed I spent or sown it where
The land is his and none of mine?
We speak like strangers,there's no sign
Of understanding in the air.
Who is 'I' in these lines? Whom is he talking about?
Explain the meaning of the first sentence
What is the poet's mood in these lines?
Q.2. Read the lines given below and answer the
following questions:-
This child is built to my
Yet what he loves I cannot share,
Silence surrounds us.
What is the meaning of the first line?
What kind of relationship exists between the father and son?
Find two expressions which show the desolation the father
Q.3. Read the lines given below and answer the
following questions:-
I would have
Him prodigal,returning to
His father's house,the home he knew,
Rather than see him make and move
His world, I would forgive him too,
Shaping from sorrow a new love.
Explain the use of word 'prodigal' in the 2 line
What does 'I' not want?
What would 'I' forgive?
What is the meaning of the last line?
Q.4. Read the lines given below and answer the
following questions:-
He speaks: I cannot
Myself,why anger grows from grief
We each put out an empty hand,
Longing for something to forgive.
Who are 'he' and 'I'?
What do the first two lines say about their relationship?
What are they both trying? Are they successful?
Q.5. Read the lines given below and answer the
following questions:-
I do not understand this child
Though we have lived together now
In the same house for years.i know
nothing of him,so try to build
up a relationship from how
he was then small.
How are 'I' and the child related?
What does 'I' know about the child?
What does 'I' wish to try?
What are the names of the poem and the poet?
Q.6.What kind of relationship do the father and son share? Why is
it so?
Q.7.The father wants his son to be like the prodigal son.Why?
Q.8.What emotions have been expressed by the father regarding his
relationship with his son?
Q.9.What does the father feel about this stranger-like
relationship with his son? Does he wish to change it?
Q.10.The anguish of the father comes through very strongly in the
poem.Show his feeling about his son as expressed in
the poem.
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